A day late — because the internet connection isn’t consistent.
Finally home. Old home that is.
I rode the interstate from Columbus to Pittsburgh. The first unbroken interstate stretch of this trip. Ugh. I just wanted to be here (Pittsburgh) rather than there (Columbus) as fast as possible.
No road pictures today. Instead a few shots from around my sister’s house.
First up — the house. There are a lot of steps from the street to the house.

Narrow city street parking. Yes it’s a two way street, and yes there is parking on both sides of the street. You learn to adapt.

My sister’s garden is a lot further along than mine.

The oldest of my sister’s girls Sarah and their dog Mylie.

Summer sunsets in Pittsburgh are always pretty. Sarah took this picture while we all were sitting on the front porch talking.

Tomorrow I’ll spend the day out and about — the second oldest cemetery in the city is just down the block and there are some wonderful views over the river from the next street.
Welcome home. 🙂
*Damn* shoveling/salting those long steep steps in the winters… brrr/
Hope you adventure goes well. Sounds as if your boy called off the
“great ride” for tomorrow. I picked up Immunitea for Sooj, Ya’ll and Susan today at TeaCup. Will try to get it to him tomorrow.
Have a loverly evening!!!