So it’s been a month or so since i got my serger. I made a couple of starter projects on it when i first unpacked it but I had other projects (xmas) that needed my attention and i didn’t have a chance to get back to it until last week.
I have a terrible time buying pants and leggings that fit well. Big butt and big thighs. I’m not prepared to tackle trousers yet but a decent pattern for leggings would be great. So I bought a simple two-piece pattern and some cheap brown velour off of the remnants table and set to work.
Measure, cut, pin, set up serger.
That last step didn’t go well. I could not get a seam to form, threads were breaking… I think i re-threaded the thing 5 times and rest all the tensions and over and over. Then it was time to walk away for a while. Returned to the problem, watched carefully as i wound the handwheel through several cycles. and then it happened. the thread coming from one of the cones hung up in the loop on the “antenna”. Right where the blue circle is…

a little thinking — and voila.

Yup, forgot to put the thread carrier tower up. Doh.
And no, there is no way I’m going to show you the results of this sewing experiment. I added a little extra material form the crotch tip to down just below the knees. I now have a very nice pattern for leggings that don’t wrinkle up at the crotch and just as soon as I make another pair I’ll show you pictures.
As for the brown velour. It hardly shows the cat hair at all and Nina is very fond of her new “blankie’ in the studio.