Buffalo — Newly Arrived from Mexico

We’re just back from the Gath­er. (Pho­tos here.)

Yes­ter­day this fine fel­low arrived from Mex­i­co (via San Diego.)

handcarved and handpainted buffalo

He was carved and paint­ed by our friends Jacobo and Maria Ange­les who live and work in Tilca­jete, Oax­a­ca. You can see more of their work on their web page. (If you get a chance to stop by thi­er restau­rant I rec­om­mend the Chile de Agua Rel­lenos. Wicked good.)

side view of the buffalo

We ordered the buf­fa­lo when we were in Oax­a­ca in Feb­ru­ary. The carv­ing was already done and we chose the basic col­or mix but the details of the paint­ing is always left up to the painter. It’s always a sur­prise when the piece arrives.

The head shot shows some of the details and his lit­tle bit of a frown.

buffalo head

I have sev­er­al pieces that Jacobo has made for me. All cats, until this one. One of these days I’ll dig out pic­tures of the rest of our pieces and some of our vis­its to Jacobo and Mari­a’s house.

About the Author

Lara Harriger