What’s Blooming

Last week in the gar­den we had:

Daisies every­where. The pas­ture is cov­ered with them. daisies in Jun

On the west side of the house we have the slen­der deutzia in bloom at the back of the herb bed.

slender deutzia

And sea pinks sur­round­ing the inceeas­ing­ly tall lily stalks.


My peonies are almost ready to bloom. Actu­al­ly this pic­ture is form sev­er­al days ago and the first two blooms have appeared. (And imme­di­ate­ly been cut and tak­ing into the house!)

peony  buds

Last week­end we cleaned up a few more beds. This is the one next to the garage. On the east side of the house it gets a lot of shade and stays fair­ly moist. So I have hostas, iris­es, and a cou­ple of grass­es in it. Also a bunch of stuff that I put in three years ago and am to lazy to go dig through the files to fig­ure out what it is.

bed next to the garage

My iris­es are odd­ly pale this year. The cat is a stan­dard issue gin­ger barn cat. So the col­or of the pho­to isn’t off by much.


About the Author

Lara Harriger