the value of free speech

Most­ly I find the com­ments on the larg­er blogs to be so much me-to-ism but this after­noon I came across this com­ment on a post about a sil­ly anti-non-Chris­t­ian (yes i made that word up) adver­tise­ment used by a Cal­i­for­nia car deal­er­ship that was in boing-boing.

One of the great­est gifts of tru­ly under­stand­ing the notion of free speech is being nei­ther offend­ed nor par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed when some­one exer­cis­es their right to say some­thing inflam­ma­to­ry. Their speech is, after all, free. And you like­ly under­stand by this point that, except in rare cas­es, you get what you pay for.

I think I got much more than the usu­al val­ue for this one.

cred­it goes to one air­pool (com­ment #23)

About the Author

Lara Harriger