Paper Boxes

I got a kit for mak­ing a paper box last week. It was from Books by Hand. They have a num­ber of kits for mak­ing books/albums and box­es using book board, book cloth, and dec­o­ra­tive papers. Ben Franklin sells the kits. Most­ly they sell com­plete kits but if you scout around you can find kits labeled “Just the Pieces” These con­tain just the die-cut book board pieces and the direc­tions you sup­ply your own paper and book cloth. I bought the kit to make the Japan­ese Fold­ing Box.
I used some cel­ery col­ored book cloth and a piece of silk screened paper that I had in my stash.

green japanese folding box closed up

It’s inter­est­ing because it unties and lays flat.

green japanese folding box untied and open flat

You build the box by fold­ing in the sides and then the fold­ing over the tops and tying. Kind of like this:

green box partly folded up

There ends up being a lot of extra board wrapped around what­ev­er you’ve got in there. Still it’s cool that it all falls flat when you undo it. think this would make a great con­tain­er for a book or a set of cards.

In fact Jim came up with a great idea for some­thing to put in it…

About the Author

Lara Harriger