Work-In-Progress (13.nov.07)

I’m try­ing to be bet­ter about keep­ing notes as I go along. (Click the thumb­nails forf ull size images.)

2 Goth­ic Arch­es pieces that are on my table at the moment.

poetry-toads WIP

Poet­ry-Toads. The back­ground is made up of pat­tern tis­sue and a fac­sim­i­le of the first page of an old edi­tion of Pride and Prej­u­dice. I col­ored the pea­cock with water­col­or pen­cils and then soaked it in mag­ic juice. ( a mix of left­over tea leaves and cof­fee grounds in luke­warm water.) A lit­tle thinned out ges­so and it’s ready to go. The quote is from Mar­i­anne Moore re the def­i­n­i­tion of a poem cut out and glued to some Japan­ese wrap­ping paper. The lady is col­ored and wet­ted and not glued down yet. It needs a final sur­face treat­ment of some sort to pull it togeth­er and mel­low the edges.

Flower-Bird WIP

I don’t know where this one is going. The back­ground is a paper tow­el that start­ed life a a brush wiper and then got paint­ed on it’s own mer­it. (Water col­ors — greens and browns and a funky amber that I love and will prob­a­bly nev­er be able to recreate.)

The flow­ers are from the front of a seed pack­et that is on some wall­pa­per I have a scrap of. There’s a cutout of an engrav­ing of a lit­tle bird (Car­oli­na wren?) that I think belongs on here.

I’m on my third time through In This House. I’m going to do mine as an accor­dion book with each page about nine inch­es tall. I’ve got some rice paper back­ings dry­ing on boards, cad­mi­um red this time. I mean to use it as back­grounds for the houses.

About the Author

Lara Harriger