Been busy getting the house sorted. But I managed a couple of hours here and there last week. This is the result.
Three of the backgrounds for the house of mythical creatures. You’ll notice that none of the red and orange painted paper that I first put on the card stock cut-outs can been seen. That’s just the way it goes. I start in one place and end up somewhere entirely different. I have two more backgrounds that I am fairly happy with and one that failed utterly.
I can’t imagine what I was thinking when I put both the bright yellow and bright orange on the same page. I’m blaming it on the failing light. I can’t work without some natural light and around here in the winter you lose useful light around 3 or 3:30pm. (On the days you get any at all. Today it isn’t bright enough out to tell brown from purple and I’m in the office building databases and websites rather than the workroom playing with paper.)
edited 25.june.2008 to correct image links
[…] House of Mythical Creatures is on hold for the week. It’s ready for each of the images to be mounted. I have to figure […]