the value of free speech

Most­ly I find the com­ments on the larg­er blogs to be so much me-to-ism but this after­noon I came across this com­ment on a post about a sil­ly anti-non-Chris­t­ian (yes i made that word up) adver­tise­ment used by a California … 

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the survey says…

Right now the Library Research Ser­vice is con­duct­ing a sur­vey on the worth of an MLIS. (I got in mine 1996.) For the final com­ment I had to sum up my thoughts about my exper­ince in the lit­tle box at the … 

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Go read this com­ic. http://​xkcd​.com/​4​88/ Con­sid­er that the pile of CDs that you have been hord­ing is insur­ance (for a lit­tle while…) Now where did I put that turn-table?…

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