Artist’s Anti-Statment

Some peo­ple feel the need to put up an ‘Artist’s State­ment’. I don’t think a state­ment will tell you any­thing. On the oth­er hand here are bunch of frag­ments that have come to me over time. I store them here more for my ben­e­fit than yours. But feel free to read on.

From Day 23 of the it’s a Big Dam Country Tour

Notes tak­en in a note­book held on my lap while driving.

As an artist I am inter­est­ed in:

  • in the weath­er­ing, wear­ing, and decay of man-made objects
  • The marks that we make on the landscape
  • The mate­ri­als that we use and how we manip­u­late them

Some random thoughts

For some rea­son I pre­fer rivers to oceans and lakes. This prob­a­bly means something.

Faith, which is a bless­ing, goes par­tic­u­lar­ly well with tol­er­ance and compassion.

If wish­es were wings I could fly to the moon.

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