Game Cameras — Jan and Feb

We were gone for a lot of the months of Jan­u­ary and Feb­ru­ary but the wildlife goes on.

There is this lit­tle rab­bit. Nib­bling on a bit of brown grass.

a bit of food
Lit­tle bunny.

This bob­cat is look­ing for the rabbits.

eater of bunny food
Bob the Cat

The deer are still here though not very much in evi­dence in the last two months.

more deer
Night time browsing.

We had a lot of snow and some pow­er out­ages. Here are the neigh­bors going home after drop­ping by to make sure that the house sit­ter is doing okay.

deep snow
Thanks for the help!

The coy­otes are now three.

A third has joined the group.

Lots of snow. It’s been a pret­ty winter.

Cap­tur­ing the snow.

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