Well, with a few days off over the holdays, I’ve gotten the 305 Dream to the point where I don’t believe there is anything unsalvagable here, and it won’t take an exorbitant amount of money to put this thing back on the road in nice shape. The last few hours of work have been to get the frame stripped of all other parts, so I can start cleaning it and getting it ready for blasting and paint. Here’s the parts that will be going out for paint, plus the tank, once it’s clean inside.

I have a large list of parts I need (sent off to cyclepsycho to see what he might have), and a couple of unsolved problems. I am as yet, unable to remove the steering head nut from the top of the stem. I think I managed to move it with a pipewrench, so I gave it another soaking in Kroil and will try again later. I still have one piston with the rings firmly stuck in their grooves. and lastly, I broke off a screw in the bottom of the fork (it holds a chrome cover in place over the front swinging arm and shock). I then tried to drill it out, but the drill wandered off course, so now I have a hole through the screw at an angle, and it goes through the threads partway down. Grrrr… I’ll have to spend some quality time with the dremel tool and see how bad off the threads are when I’m done.

But overall, pretty smoothly so far. at this point, it’s about getting the frame and painted parts cleaned and repainted, cleaning out the bottom end of the motor, having the cylinders honed (bored if they don’t clean up well at std. size), and the start cleaning and re-assembling.
meanwhile, it all waits in a tidy pile. More pics later.