We have friends, very helpful friends. The kind who have bots that cruise Craigslist for interesting motorcycles for sale. And then post the best ones to mailing lists with a plaintive “Who’s going to buy this one?” appended. Yeah, those guys. So on a not so sunny Sunday we went off to look at a Honda 305 Dream.
This is what we found in Silvana. It’s complete except for mirrors, a broken tail light lens, and a couple of missing badges. The pipes are wrong. The motor doesn’t turn, the rear wheel is frozen but the transmission snicks nicely and the body parts are all present and accounted for with no major dents or holes. Oh, and it came with a lovely little flower on the handle bars.

So we got it loaded up on the back of the Defender. It got complicated because we didn’t think about the non-folding foot pegs. We had it half way up there and realized that we had to get the spare tire off of the back door. (But I love the hitch rail carrier. No trailer to back up next to this guy’s boat.)

Once home we had tha problem of how to get a non-rolling bike off the rail and into the shop. Uh, yeah, we’ve got a tractor for that.

And there it is. Tucked in between the cut-offs box and the compressor waiting it’s turn.

The engine number is: CA 77E — 1004102. The body number is: CA78 1004074. I tried to get a picture but there’s no way without starting disassembly and we can’t do that just yet.

There’s a little water here.

Bonus: Jim got it on the lift Monday night. But it’s going to have to wait a week or two for any more attention. The “Great Rover Heater Motor Failure Right Before Winter Starts of 2011” has to be fixed first.

“We have friends, very helpful friends. The kind who have bots that cruise Craigslist for interesting motorcycles for sale. And then post the best ones to mailing lists with a plaintive “Who’s going to buy this one?” appended. Yeah, those guys. So on a not so sunny Sunday we went off to look at a Honda 305 Dream.”
Ummm … yeah. Sorry about that. 🙂
I have a small set official looking business cards with my employer’s logo that have my title changed to “Bad Influence”. I’m glad I could be of service.
That stator looks unfortunate. The rest, so far, appears salvageable.