Oaxaca, Day 2: Parque Paseo Juarez de Llano

Today was much more ener­getic than yes­ter­day, we decid­ed to walk up to Juarez Par­que, on the oth­er side of cen­tral Oax­a­ca. Accord­ing to lara’s lit­tle pedome­ter, we walked 6 miles today. On the way, we found a won­der­ful lit­tle cof­fee shop, called Black Cof­fee Gallery. a won­der­ful space with good cof­fee, lots of light, and good lat­te’s. we’ll go back.

An old lamp post in the park, with a riot of flow­ers in the background.

an old lamp post and flow­ers in Par­que Paseo Juarez de Llano

We spot­ted this cat walk­ing around in the park, and thought for a moment that it was fer­al. Then this gen­tle­man picked it up, and it became obvi­ous that it’s a pet cat. Bone­less, apparently.

a guy takes his cat for a walk in the park

Heard this BMW pull up to a stop­light, think­ing to myself that it did­n’t sound like every oth­er lit­tle buzz-bomb run­ning around town. Glanc­ing over, sure enough! A clas­sic toast­er-tank air­head, appar­ent­ly still being rid­den daily.
a classic old BMW, still in daily use

It appears that the local police depart­ment got a bunch of new bikes this year; wee-stroms this time, instead of the nor­mal hon­da or yama­ha 250’s. It was pret­ty com­i­cal some­times to see two cops, dou­ble-up on a hon­da 250, try­ing to make it up the hills!

the local police have some new bikes this year

There’s not a lot of graf­fi­ti around town this year, but there are a few pieces with some col­or and style. Here’s one that real­ly caught my eye.

some col­or­ful graf­fit­ti in oaxaca

Lara has also put up some pic­tures today. you can see there at Ms. Shoes blog.

Tomor­row; a tour of the botan­i­cal gar­dens, and a pho­to sur­vey of the motor­cy­cles of Oax­a­ca streets. At least that’s the think­ing, plans and con­tact with real­i­ty and all that!

ciao, ami­gos!

About the Author

Jim Harriger

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