Walkabout Day 9: a road to remember


356 miles today, Kayen­ta, AZ to Taos, NM. Stel­lar weath­er the whole way, 60s and 70s and no clouds. Much of the morn­ing was spent cross­ing the east­ern hald of the Nava­jo nation. It’s fair­ly obvi­ous that, at least in this area, the Nava­jo are not get­ting rich off of gam­bling, maybe a few, but many of the rur­al Nava­jo still appear quite poor. Some­where in east­ern AZ, (I think), I crossed the Con­ti­nen­tal Divide.

Then I head­ed for Dulce and Char­ma, to get to high­way 64. Phil rec­om­mend­ed that road, OMG was he right! miles and miles of long, flow­ing switch­backs climb­ing up the moun­tain side like a home­sick angel. from 7000ft in Tier­ra Amar­il­lo to 10,586 at the top. And it was chilly up there. Still, if you get a chance to ride this road, take it. You will not be sor­ry you did. Well, maybe if you’re on a DRZ-400, I’d guess it’d get seri­ous­ly wheezy and down on grunt at 10,500ft! 🙂

Taos is a cute lit­tle town, old time ranch­ing town, now made art­sy by the influx of artists and $$$. Still, not a bad lit­tle town. And the nice RV park on the south end of town has WiFi!

rub­ber side down, everyone!

About the Author

Jim Harriger