447 miles today, a little longer than I usually like, but there were Issues. It appears that rain is headed for the northern california coast tomorrow. In consideration, today’s plan was to get far enough south that cutting inland could be done fairly early tomorrow, in an attempt to stay dry. Looking at the weather forcast for northern california tomorrow, it appears that it was futile.
anyway, today’s ride went from portland to eugene on I5, the south to oregon 38, on which I found the drain:

being in the neighborhood, I stopped in to see my friends michael and judy. they are camp hosts at Tugman State Park, and they keep a big dog in the front window of their motorhome:

from, there it was a quick blast down the coast, where I found this great veteran’s memorial and accompanying view of Coos Bay’s bridge:

At this point, I decided that my best bet to beat the weather would be to get to Eureka today, so that I could head inland first thing in the morning. So I rode south. There is some awesome coastline in southern oregon and northern california.

So that was my sunday in a nutshell. It was sunny and warm north of eugene, and cloudy and cool, with a few raindrops, on the coast. Not bad riding, once I put the heated liner on; cooling off, going fast? turn the heat up a bit. slowing down, or the sun has come out? turn the heat down a bit. Bike never missed a beat, and seems to be a profoundly competent travelling companion. Arrived in eureka around 5:30, found a hotel (I hate camping in the rain) and then found a place called Lost Coast Brewery and cafe for dinner. good beer, decent food, and only 5 blocks from the hotel.
And now I sit here pondering tomorrow: do I pack up ride south in what appears to be certain rain (NOAA says 90% chance of precipitation from here to Santa Rosa- that means it’s gonna rain, folks!) or do I cool my heels here in Eureka and ride south on tuesday, when it is supposed to be sunny? I hate riding with wet hands and feet; will my gloves stay dry? will my boots leak? grrr.… On the other hand, a rainy day in eureka is not likely to packed with excitement. 🙂
I think i’ll have a snack, get some sleep and make the call in the morning, depending on how hard it’s raining.
U left the readers at the peek of climax. Did you drive south on Monday or not? My guess is yes. 🙂