day 1, in which very little exciting actually happens

well, day 1 went pret­ty well. I sit here in the pala­cial liv­ing room of my friends Joce­lyn and Steve, after a nice din­ner, steal­ing their inter-tubes.

two tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties reared their ugly head: the GPS anten­na can­not live on top of the radar detec­tor: the radios inter­fere with each oth­er. so, att the first stop, i moved the GPS anten­na. prob­lem 1 solved.

sec­ond tech­ni­cal issue was that my fan­cy 12volt/120volt usb-charges-every­thing wid­get does­n’t. specif­i­cal­ly, it won’t charge the cell phone. appar­ent­ly, not enough cojones to charge this new-fan­gled moto cliq xt. for­tu­nate­ly, i have awe­some friends, they took me to radio shack, and i now have a charg­er that works.

tomor­row, the ore­gon coast to see Michael and Judy, then shoot­ing for the oregon/california bor­der or there­abouts. let’s hope for good weather.

more lat­er, folks


About the Author

Jim Harriger