well, day 1 went pretty well. I sit here in the palacial living room of my friends Jocelyn and Steve, after a nice dinner, stealing their inter-tubes.
two technical difficulties reared their ugly head: the GPS antenna cannot live on top of the radar detector: the radios interfere with each other. so, att the first stop, i moved the GPS antenna. problem 1 solved.
second technical issue was that my fancy 12volt/120volt usb-charges-everything widget doesn’t. specifically, it won’t charge the cell phone. apparently, not enough cojones to charge this new-fangled moto cliq xt. fortunately, i have awesome friends, they took me to radio shack, and i now have a charger that works.
tomorrow, the oregon coast to see Michael and Judy, then shooting for the oregon/california border or thereabouts. let’s hope for good weather.
more later, folks