Feeling Nesty — Part I

Today we declared a scav­enger hunt day. We have a list of things we’d like to have for the house but haven’t found just the right one yet. 

We were wild­ly successful.

two finds in the scavenger hunt today!
two finds in the scav­enger hunt today!

Our last gaze­bo was destroyed by the snow last win­ter. We final­ly found a gazebo/screen house that was small enough for the spot between the sal­ad gar­den and the house.

It comes in a long thin box.

amazingly compact
amaz­ing­ly compact

The last one was a right roy­al b* to put up. Oth­er than not being able to find one of the parts (we did­n’t look hard enough) this one was pret­ty dang easy.

all ready for the table and chairs.
all ready for the table and chairs.

We have anoth­er find in the oth­er big box but right now it’s time to make some supper.

About the Author

Lara Harriger

1 Comment

  1. Robbie

    so what was in the oth­er box??? new grill is my guess.

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