In Louisville all day today. Picked my Mom up around 9am. We didn’t stop until 4:30.
Began the day with a trip to the McAlpine Locks. Right in the middle of the city. Louisville has done a good job of making use of the waterfront. It’s a large, pleasant, pedestrian and bicycle friendly space. It’s not so great for photography. Few good slight lines and a lot of heavy ornamental fences and railings. I did some okay work and got a lot of shots of killdeer. (Why weren’t the waterfront grass lands off limits during nesting season?)
And then, and then… finally! A real™ barge and tug appeared on the scene.

We watched them lock through.
They get really close to the walls.

It’s tight fit end to end as well. Here they are closing the upstream gates.

Let the water out, open the downstream gates and off she goes.

It takes bout an hour for a barge to lock through. It’ moves slowly but its never boring.
After the morning excitement we went to my sister’s house to meet up and head for the zoo. The kids spent most of the afternoon playing in the splash park.
I went exploring.
A very colorful lizard.

From the aviary, Open Billed Stork.

Crowned Pigeon.

Feeding time in the tortoise exhibit.

Older fellow eating a green pepper. (Slowly)

Two from the “What are You Looking At?” gang

Now I’m getting it all packed up again to be on the road tomorrow.
Debbie and I visited the zoo last time we were in Louisville and had a great time. Thanks for the photos!