Recent Work — Wire

I’m learn­ing to work with jew­el­ry wire. Here are two recent (begin­ner) projects.

charm holder and charms, pounded wire leaf link bracelet
charm hold­er and charms, pound­ed wire leaf link bracelet

On the top a charm hold­er made of 14 gauge ster­ling sil­ver and five charms. You can learn to make the charm hold­er at the Bead Club in Wood­inville. It’s a very good use of three hours.

The sec­ond piece is a bracelet made of 20 gauge sil­ver filled wire. It’s a vari­a­tion on the Spi­ral Bracelet project in Chan­dler and Ritchey’s Get­ting Start­ed Mak­ing Wire Jew­el­ry and More. The orig­i­nal has a much tighter coil in the cen­ter and a coars­er tex­ture pound­ed into the wire. I pre­fer the loos­er feel of this one. I’m going to try some­thing sim­i­lar in heav­ier wire. This one is too del­i­cate as it stands (sits?)

Also I promise to get some oth­er col­ors of fab­ric for tak­ing pho­tographs. All this dusty rose is start­ing to make a lit­tle queasy.

About the Author

Lara Harriger