Kindle 2 — New Gadget Post

It has arrived. On, of course, one of my busy must-be-out-of-the-house-by-10 days. So it lan­guished on the front porch for 6 hours…

bedside reading
bed­side reading

I’ll save you the unbox­ing post. You can have a look here at Engad­get’s unbox­ing. I must say that Ama­zon has tak­en a lot of care with the pack­ag­ing. A very nice expe­ri­ence. (I do have to admit that I am impressed with how well the e‑ink photgraphs.)

As I expect­ed there is lit­tle or no Whis­per­Net ser­vice here at the house. T‑Mobile is the only reli­able cell ser­vice out here in the din­gle­weeds. Sprint is one of the worst. I can get a slow sig­nal on the front porch if I face the barn (and jug­gle blue squir­rels, etc.)

I don’t find it that much of an incon­ve­nience. I go to town most days and can stop for a few min­utes to down­load some­thing if I’m feel­ing too lazy to down­load via the computer.

Read­ing on it is a fine expe­ri­ence. The brief reverse image flash as I “turn” pages is a lit­tle dis­con­cert­ing. I expect that after a cou­ple of days I won’t notice it any­more. The adjustable font size id great for accom­mo­dat­ing fatigued eyes.

About the Author

Lara Harriger

1 Comment

  1. blogadmin


    I love this thing. I nev­er have to choose which of the books I’m read­ing I want to take along in case I get stuck wait­ing some­where. I can take them all! 

    I still haven’t got­ten used to the reverse image flash as I turn the pages. I find myself away while it hap­pens. That prob­a­bly won’t upset my eye doc­tor much. (Try to remem­ber to look away into the mid­dle dis­tance once in a while to rest you eyes.)

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