More on the screen for Jim’s office.
Once the stencil had had chance to dry I took the fabric panels off the screen (yeay velcro.) I didn’t do any prep work on the fabric — poly(?) canvas. The paint will stick well enough and I don’t expect to try to wash the panels. By the time they’re dirty I’ll be bored with them and want to do something else.
To hold the fabric steady I clipped it to the thick foam core boards that I use to stretch watercolor paper. I measured for a rough placement for the image and then eyeballed the fine alignment.
I used brown paint (oil bar) and a large stencil brush. Because the stencil was paper coated with linseed oil I couldn’t use the repositionable adhesive that I use on plastic stencils. I used a little tape in each corner and then worked carefully holding the little tabs and bits down with my fingers as I painted. It’s messy and a little slow but worked quite well.
Here’s one of the panels finished and propped up for drying.

I had planned to use two images on each screen. One facing each direction. So I started with the two crows facing left. Two panels have the crows in the top half and one has the crow in the bottom half. Then I would clean the stencil and flip it for the rest.
Oil paint takes a while to dry and I needed the flat spaceback in my studio so I hung the panels back on the screen. Figuring that I’d take them down later this week and do the rest of the stenciling.

Oh never mind — FINISHED!
And here’s my celebratory drink.

Lillet over ice and orange slices. The ice cubes are shaped like stars!