We spent Saturday with our friend Demetrio Bautista Lazo the weaver. In addition to eating too much. (Gracias, Maribel por la comida muy delicioso!) We went walking around the town of Teotitlan.
That’s Demetrio showing me a tree of life rug that he’s working on.
This the dome of the local church..
As was common when constructing colonial churches the walls were built using the stone from the existing Zapotec buildings. Some parts of the plaster of the new walls has been removed and the designs on the old stones are visible.
I’ve fooled around with trying to complete some of the geometric designs. There’s usually not enough of the pattern to be certain of how the whole was put together. Though as I collect more examples I think I will find enough fragments to reconstruct some of the linear designs. (Click on the thumbnails for larger versions.)
These two seem similar and may be related enough to make a larger pattern out of:
Two wavy pattern that remind me of the snail pattern used in some of the rugs.
This section of the wall contains several small bits of pattern and the image of a birdlike creature. The diamond pattern in the lower center is very common in rugs. I’ll have to ask Demetrio if he knows who the bird is.
A final picture of several very small fragments. I am suspicious of the flowery vine chunk in the upper left. It’s too naturalistic to be Zaptotec, perhaps it is a bit of some earlier church or chapel., or bit of this church reused in making repairs.
edited 25.june.2008 to correct image links