A few leftover thoughts from this past weekend’s trials event in western Washington:
The just-concluded winter did an real number on the riding area we call Deer Flats. There were a ton of trees blown down or knocked over, to the point of constricting the road in a few places. For those that might not know, we had a pretty severe winter (for western WA) this year. Several snow storms, a few bouts of really heavy rain and the subsequent flooding, and in mid-December, a severe windstorm that left hundreds of thousands of people in Washington without power, phone, or TV service. Personally, we we’re without power for 8 days, and without TV, phone, and internet service for over 3 weeks. The effects of this temper tantrum by Mother Nature were plainly obvious at Deer Flats.
In addition, the devastation to the trees in the area was the topic of an amusing quip after the event was over; a bunch of us are standing around outside the scoring trailer, awaiting official results, and someone asks why we don’t have a bonfire going, with it being so bloddy cold and all? “we couldn’t find any wood” comes the laconic reply from one of our local expert riders! well, maybe you had to be there.
Cold weather and Alpinestars trials boots: about 90 minutes into my stint as the observer on section 10 in the morning, i had a very weird sensation. Just as a rider was leaving my section. I felt a vibration in my boots. “Whoa! that was weird. the exhaust sound must have set up some kind of resonance in one of the plastic components in the boots. how odd.” But then it happened a few more times, and then I noticed that sometimes I could feel the vibration when there wasn’t a bike nearby. A little experimentation during a really quiet period confirms that when the boots get really cold, something in their structure sqeaks at a pretty low frequency during very slow movement. Kind of a bass version of the ‘fingernails on chalkboard’ sound. how weird. And, btw, if not for being of service to my fellow tirals riders, that’s too damn cold to be just standing around in the woods watching it snow. Just so you know.
keep those feet up!