A work of six panels in accordion book format. Using paper cutouts and found images. Panels joined using silk ribbons threaded through grommets.
Accordion Book Format
Six Story Panels
Texts read:
Panel 1: To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else. ‑emily dickenson
Panel 2: sal*a*man*der Middle English salamandre, from Anglo-French, from Latin salandra, from Greek. 1: a mythical animal having the power to endure fire without harm. 2: an elemental being in the theory of Paracelsus inhabiting fire.
Panel 3: chi0mera 1. GRK MYTH a fire breathing monster, usually represented as having a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail.
Panel 4: Main text: A rare, dangerous beast, the manticore had been known to sing softly as it easts it’s prey. Secondary text: 2: any similar fabulous monster.
Panel 5: The grephs are so called because they are winged quadrupeds. This kind of wild beast is found in the Hyperborean Mountains, In every part of their body that are lions, and in wings and heads are like eagles, and they are fierce enemies of horses. Moreover they tear men to pieces. ‑Isadore of Seville.
Panel 6: Curiouser and curiouser.
Copyright 2007 – 2008 Larisa Harriger