House of Mythical Creatures

A work of six pan­els in accor­dion book for­mat. Using paper cutouts and found images. Pan­els joined using silk rib­bons thread­ed through grommets.

Front and Back Covers
house of mythical creatures fornt and back covers

Accor­dion Book Format

book format

Six Sto­ry Panels

book open flat - six panels

Texts read:

Pan­el 1: To live is so star­tling it leaves lit­tle time for any­thing else. ‑emi­ly dickenson

Pan­el 2: sal*a*man*der Mid­dle Eng­lish sala­man­dre, from Anglo-French, from Latin salan­dra, from Greek. 1: a myth­i­cal ani­mal hav­ing the pow­er to endure fire with­out harm. 2: an ele­men­tal being in the the­o­ry of Paracel­sus inhab­it­ing fire.

Pan­el 3: chi0mera 1. GRK MYTH a fire breath­ing mon­ster, usu­al­ly rep­re­sent­ed as hav­ing a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a ser­pen­t’s tail.

Pan­el 4: Main text: A rare, dan­ger­ous beast, the man­ti­core had been known to sing soft­ly as it easts it’s prey. Sec­ondary text: 2: any sim­i­lar fab­u­lous monster.
Pan­el 5: The grephs are so called because they are winged quadrupeds. This kind of wild beast is found in the Hyper­bore­an Moun­tains, In every part of their body that are lions, and in wings and heads are like eagles, and they are fierce ene­mies of hors­es. More­over they tear men to pieces. ‑Isadore of Seville.

Pan­el 6: Curi­ouser and curiouser.

Copy­right 2007 – 2008 Lar­isa Harriger