About Lara (magpie)

ms. shoes is…


sor­ta like this… (when she’s working)

I have, at var­i­ous times, claimed to be:

anal­o­gist, detec­tive, arche­ol­o­gist, tax­on­o­mist, car­tog­ra­ph­er, cow­boy, danc­ing bear train­er, and occa­sion­al jan­i­tor to a vari­ety of infor­ma­tion­al sys­tems. a mete­o­rol­o­gist in the knowl­edge con­ver­gence zone.

Real­ly the art says more about me than the words.

…on the oth­er hand…

Words are art. (I think I’m con­fused — I hope you are 😉