Doings on the Farm in December

I seems like it snowed a lot in Decem­ber though part of that is that it has also snowed at the begin­ning of the year.

Ear­ly in the Decem­ber we had a decent amount of snow

snow — makes the farm pret­ty and the walk­ing treacherous.

New sight­ing. I’m pret­ty sure that the bird tak­ing off (land­ing?) on the post that the cam­era is on is our local barred owl. We hear him at night and occa­sion­al­ly are dive bombed when walk­ing in the woods dur­ing the day.

the barred owl?

No sign of the large preda­tors this month. Just a cou­ple of vis­its by a solo coyote.

the male?
look­ing fat and sassy?

There were very few appear­ances by the does. But Bucky was around a lot He’s fine look­ing fellow.

what was that?
bucky makes a day time visit.
wary? I don't think so.
in the sep­tic field at night

Bucky is shar­ing the sep­tic field with the bun­nies. These lit­tle ones only show up on the cam­eras if some­thing else trig­gers them.

no Gizmo you may not eat the bunny.

I did fig­ure out what has been trig­ger­ing the sep­tic cam­era when there are no obvi­ous ani­mals. Now that we’ve used up the wood in the first rack the cam­era can see into the work yard and it trig­gers when ever some­one is out mov­ing around the wood racks or the back of the shop. Look care­ful­ly and you can see Jim fill­ing the cart to bring fire­wood to the house.

now I know what's happening with the camera
where’s Wal­do?

There was a Christ­mas Day walk with my mom and a tiny bit of snow.

the fam­i­ly goes for a walk on Christ­mas Day.

2017 year start­ed with more snow. And the cam­era on the pas­ture road was very arty.

really, you'd think he had thing for sno-cones
snow mon­key eats snow.
okay - it's just stuff stuck to the lens of the camera
coy­ote in the snow with arty fil­ter effect



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