I seems like it snowed a lot in December though part of that is that it has also snowed at the beginning of the year.
Early in the December we had a decent amount of snow

New sighting. I’m pretty sure that the bird taking off (landing?) on the post that the camera is on is our local barred owl. We hear him at night and occasionally are dive bombed when walking in the woods during the day.

No sign of the large predators this month. Just a couple of visits by a solo coyote.

There were very few appearances by the does. But Bucky was around a lot He’s fine looking fellow.

Bucky is sharing the septic field with the bunnies. These little ones only show up on the cameras if something else triggers them.

I did figure out what has been triggering the septic camera when there are no obvious animals. Now that we’ve used up the wood in the first rack the camera can see into the work yard and it triggers when ever someone is out moving around the wood racks or the back of the shop. Look carefully and you can see Jim filling the cart to bring firewood to the house.

There was a Christmas Day walk with my mom and a tiny bit of snow.

2017 year started with more snow. And the camera on the pasture road was very arty.