Game Cameras Early Fall 2016

or… What’s Doing on the Farm

We’ve had a bit of a fail. One of the cam­eras was hors de com­bat due to a mis-for­mat­ed card. The cam­era locat­ed in the sep­tic field took no pic­tures dur­ing Sep­tem­ber and October.
Mean­while — here’s what’s been doing on the pas­ture road and dri­ve­way at the begin­ning of fall.

Our bear has not left the area. Though by now (ear­ly Novem­ber) he’s like­ly denned up and tor­pid for the winter.

tromp, tromp
Back and cruis­ing up the dri­ve­way like he owns the place.

We’ve seen this bob­cat twice, about three weeks apart, near the pas­ture. I sus­pect there would be more pic­tures of him (her?) on the sep­tic cam­era if it had­n’t failed. It’s inter­est­ing that the coy­otes are nowhere to be seen since the cat has been around.

IR is magical.
Bob­cat sighting
still hanging around
A sec­ond sight­ing of the bob­cat 3 weeks later.

Then there’s this night creature.

evil stalks the woods.
Rarely sight­ed. The land­shark by night.

In ear­ly fall we’re still mow­ing the verges and road­sides. Jim often com­bines tak­ing the trash cans to the road with a quick pass along the sides of the dri­ve­way and around the pas­ture fence.

shorter grass!
Mow­ing hap­pens in the fall too.

And the cam­era con­tin­ues to cap­ture the occa­sion­al arty shot.

does that look like art?
The trac­tor doing its week­ly chores.

The big news around here for Octo­ber was Jim’s new knee. He had surgery on the 11th. For the two days that we were at the hos­pi­tal and the first cou­ple of weeks after we had a lot of help from friends and neigh­bors. And because we’re kind of creepy like that we’ve got pictures. 😀

happy dog has friends
Shas­ta and Jack walk­ing Gizmo.
more friends, more help, more gratitude
Yoav head­ing home after help­ing with the farm chores.

Jim is start­ing to get back into the swing of things. One of his big accom­plish­ments was to get out and walk around the pasture.

progress is measured in footsteps
Jim takes his first walk after the new knee install.

Life goes on and the sea­sons turn here on the farm. Bucky has reap­peared — with a nice set of points in velvet.

nice rack
Bucky is back!


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