or… What’s Doing on the Farm
We’ve had a bit of a fail. One of the cameras was hors de combat due to a mis-formated card. The camera located in the septic field took no pictures during September and October.
Meanwhile — here’s what’s been doing on the pasture road and driveway at the beginning of fall.
Our bear has not left the area. Though by now (early November) he’s likely denned up and torpid for the winter.

We’ve seen this bobcat twice, about three weeks apart, near the pasture. I suspect there would be more pictures of him (her?) on the septic camera if it hadn’t failed. It’s interesting that the coyotes are nowhere to be seen since the cat has been around.

Then there’s this night creature.

In early fall we’re still mowing the verges and roadsides. Jim often combines taking the trash cans to the road with a quick pass along the sides of the driveway and around the pasture fence.

And the camera continues to capture the occasional arty shot.

The big news around here for October was Jim’s new knee. He had surgery on the 11th. For the two days that we were at the hospital and the first couple of weeks after we had a lot of help from friends and neighbors. And because we’re kind of creepy like that we’ve got pictures. 😀

Jim is starting to get back into the swing of things. One of his big accomplishments was to get out and walk around the pasture.

Life goes on and the seasons turn here on the farm. Bucky has reappeared — with a nice set of points in velvet.