There are a lot of motorcycles in Oaxaca, and the vast majority are working motorcycles, not recreational rides. Here are a few of the bikes I spotted today, including a few brands you probably haven’t seen in the US.
Every manufacturer represented in Mexico has a 125 single, they are the workhorses of the city courier and delivery rider scene here. This little blue Bajaj ‘Wind 125’ is a relatively new a clean example:

And these are Vento’s DS-styled workhorse, called the ‘workman’:

Saw this blue BMW whizz by today and what a bit surprised; BMW’s are not a common sight here in oaxaca, this is an expensive motorcycle here:

Obviously this Vento 200 cruiser has aspirations above it’s current lot in life:

Here’s something a little different, a Suzuki TS185 two-stroke, with a little added style via a custom tank paint job:

This is Yamaha’s little 125, called a Pulsar, I think. This particular one appears to have been drafted into goverment service:

This is one of the locally manufactured knock-offs of the Honda CG125 cargo:

and this is another of the local knock-offs. This particular example is pretty typical of the condition you see on the street. If you look carefully, you’ll see that it has no bezel or glass over the instruments any longer.
Obviously, Honda really hit the nail on the head with the CG125, everyone makes a copy now!

And this is the pinnacle of locally made bikes, an Italika EX200. a 200cc air-cooled single, wrapped in swoopy bodywork and snazzy exhaust cans!

well, that’s all for today, folks. might not be a post tomorrow, as it’s Independence day down here, and we’ll be downtown tomorrow evening for the fireworks and celebrating! Viva Mexico!
enjoy, y’all!
[…] Meanwhile Jim would like you to know that he is hard at work cataloging the various motor transport options in the area. Today, I think it’s working bikes. […]