Yup, it’s still raining. Three bloody weeks of the drizzle falling down my neck.
I took advantage of a half hour break last weekend and went for a little ramble about the place. Here are some pics.
The redbud is finally blooming and has a few tender looking leaves. (And some of these shots are silly and arty.)

There are a couple of new things in the garden beds but this rainy cool weather isn’t doing most of the plants any favors.
The little lilac has bloomed. I’m not sure if the mottling on the leaves is supposed to be there. Hmm.

And a bonus in the herb garden, or rather mixed in with the lilies next to the herb garden. Self-seeded cilantro.

I’ve spent some time in the woods recently checking on coyote activity. Last weekend I took my camera with me and got these four shots of spring.

Our next project is to finish installing our new hot tub. Right now it’s just sitting on the concrete pad in the middle of the dirt and gravel. It’ll be nicer when there’s a door where the windows are now and there’s a nice deck surrounding it. Doesn’t matter really we use it a lot already.

Pray for sun, we’re losing our minds out here.