In order to hide the backs of a number of monitors and computers in Jim’s office we put up a cheap three panel screen.

It’s very boring thing. But… the panels are white “canvas” and that means they don’t have to stay boring. So I finally found a stencil that I wanted to use in a new book “Stencil Me In”
The birds on the right — crows! The original is only 8 inches tall and the screens are 60 inches — filling them up with crows would be very busy. So… time to make the little crows into big crows. I have a scanner and Photoshop and a printer, and a lot of tape. And they are — 18 inches tall now.

Next to make a stencil. I used an old manila file folder. (You can still see the label if you look closely.) By taping the enlarged stencil pattern over the top and cutting very carefully with an exacto knife — two fresh blades — I ended up with a decent stencil.
Then I got out the linseed oil and rubbed it into the paper. It takes along time to cover the folder evenly. Not too much (that would be gloopy) and not too little (that would be splotchy.) It took 24 hours for the stencil to dry enough that it wouldn’t bleed oil on the fabric.

Next up — the actual applying of paint!