The Chicken Taj Mahal Gets a Fence

Our egg fac­to­ries con­tin­ue to receive far too much atten­tion and far too many lux­u­ries. Espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing they haven’t pro­duced a sin­gle egg yet.

Over the week­end we built a fence to sur­round the Chick­en Taj Mahal. The fence isn’t designed so much to keep any­thing out as to keep the chick­ens in. Chick­ens are a major pain in the garden.

When we first moved the lit­tle chick­ens out to the coop we built them a lit­tle yard using some exer­cise pens and bird net­ting. The dan­ger for lit­tle birds is that the crows will kill them.

previous fence

The chick­ens are now plen­ty big enough to be out of crow dan­ger but they were quick­ly out grow­ing their lit­tle “play pen” so it was time to build a prop­er chick­en yard.

Because the coop is inside the elec­tric fence there’s not too much prob­lem with coy­otes or dogs. So the fence only has to keep chick­ens in — mean­ing it can be 3 or 4 feet tall. (Fliers get their wing feath­ers shortened)

The first step is gath­er up (buy — ouch!) your fenc­ing materials.

fencing materials

Then you dig some post holes. Here at Black Dog Farm that means you put the back­hoe on the trac­tor and make big holes in the ground.

how to dig a fence post hole

You get some­thing that looks like hole

Some of the rocks have to be tak­en out with a pike. Ones like the one next to the five gal­lon bucket.

rock the size of a five gallon bucket

Then you set up the posts. As demostrat­ed by our ded­i­cat­ed engineer.

jim taking a break

Get­ting the posts in is the first chal­lenge. Then you have to wres­tle with the fenc­ing and install the rails.

I ran out of patience for the pic­ture tak­ing and smashed my thumb — it’s very pur­ple — while we were tack­ing the wire fenc­ing up.

But here it is assem­bled and doing its job of con­tain­ing the chick­ens. We kept the gate sec­tion from the orig­i­nal playpen yard because it was much eas­i­er than build­ing a gate.

taj ma-chicken shack with fence

About the Author

Lara Harriger